IRF1407 is an N Channel MOSFET available in TO-220AB package. It has many features like it contains Low RDS-On resistance capability which makes it possible to dissipate less amount of heat when the MOSFET is driving load. The max operating temperature of upto 175°C makes the transistor more reliable using on high temperature and also in high temperature surroundings. The high speed switching capability makes it ideal to use in applications where the designer require switching a load in nano seconds. The transistor also possesses better repetitive avalanche due to which it can withstand when the drain to source voltage rises from its limits. Moreover the transistor also possesses dynamic dv/dt rating..
The specs of the transistor is quite interesting the maximum drain to source voltage is upto 75V, max continuous drain current is upto 130A, max pulsed drain current is 520A and max power dissipation is 330W.