IRF530 is an N-channel MOSFET designed for high-speed and high-power applications. It is compatible to sustain 14 A of continuous current with 100 V voltage. In pulse mode, it can drive a load up to 56 A. In this series, there are other transistors available with slightly different specifications like IRF531, IRF532, and IRF533.
The user can operate this MOSFET by the output of ICs and microcontrollers because it is designed to operate with a low gate driving current. This MOSFET can operate in the temperature range of -55?C to +175 ?C. It is more popular in industries due to its low cost and ruggedized design. It also features low-on-state resistance and fast switching.
For long-life performance, all components use at least 20% below their maximum limit. The maximum operating current of IRF530 is 14 A. Hence, for a better life, it must be operating around 11.2A current and load voltage below 80V..